Shirshasana also known as the headstand is both asana and mudra as per classical hatha yogic book Hathapradipika. It’s the King of all asanas.
- Improves concentration, balance the posture of body.
- Helps to remove toxins from the body.
- Slow aging.
- Stimulates the functioning of pineal, hypothalamus and pineal glands.
Who Should Avoid? (Contradictions)
- Cervical Patients.
- Shoulder and Neck Injured Patients.
- Headache or severe migraine patients.
- Cardiac patients.
- Children below the age of 7.

Mayurasana or peacock pose is a hand-balancing asana in hathayoga.
Benefits: According to Hatha Pradipika, one of the ancient yogic book, its benefits are:
- Quickly alleviates all diseases like gland enlargement, dropsy and other stomach disorders.
- Rectifies imbalance of three doshas/humors: Vata, Pitta and Kafa.
- Reduces to ashes all food taken indiscriminately.
- Kindles the gastric firee.
- Enables destruction of deadly poison.
- A pure satvik food is advisable for its regular practice.
- People suffering from peptic ulcer and hernia should first cure their disease.
- Heart disease, High BP, brain tumors or ear, eye or nose infections should avoid this asana.

Bakasana, also known as crone pose asana, is an arm balancing asana.
Benefits: According to Hatha Pradipika, one of the ancient yogic book, its benefits are:
- Improves our concentration.
- Sharpens our nervous system.
- Fight back for depression.
- Improves our body mobility and balance.
People with following diseases should avoid the practice of this asana.
- High blood pressure.
- Wrist or knee pain.
- Women during pregnancy and menstruation.
- Brain tumor.